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Function & Flow

Function & Flow uses fundamental mobility work to better utilize the range of motion within any given joint of the body. This class is used as a foundation in exploring asana and the transitions in yoga.

In this class, we will place emphasis on creating steadiness, energy, and ease through sun salutations and moments of stillness.

If you like learning more about your own body and working up a sweat, this class is for you! This class is suitable for all levels, including beginners.

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Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga uses long, passive, floor-based holds that allows us to hydrate, lengthen and strengthen our connective tissues, joints, fascia and ligaments.

Poses are held between 2-5 minutes in order to hit the areas of your body that are usually unused and teaches you to sit in discomfort.

If you are looking for a moment of relaxation while benefiting the physical body, then Yin is for you! This class is suitable for all levels, including beginners.


Yoga Nidra

Also known as “yogic sleep”, Yoga Nidra helps you achieve a state of ultimate and deep relaxation. The class is held in the savashana position or one the student's back. The teacher leads into a deep guided meditation to put your body to sleep while remaining acutely aware and awake.

Props are welcome, including anything the student wishes to bring on their own such as a personal pillow, blanket, eye mask, journal etc.